เรื่องย่อ : Tiger & Dragon : พยัคฆ์ตัดมังกร
The show revolves around Rakugo, a traditional Japanese comedy that can look back on a 400 year long history. It tells about a Yakuza who goes to a Rakugo performer to collect debts, and a talented comedian who tries to change his...
Toraji is a stereo-typical yakuza who is hoping to become a rakugo (comic) storyteller. Ryuji is a designer who has terrible taste, but owns a fashion shop in Ura-Harajuku, a shopping district famous for its avant-garde clothing. The story develops around the relationships Toraji and Ryuji have with the offbeat and comical characters around them. This fast-paced comedy is a collection of one-off stories which blends the modern and traditional by basing each episode on a classic rakugo storyline.
หนุ่มยากูซ่าขอฝากตัวเป็นศิษย์ลูกหนี้ซึ่งเป็นตลกนักเล่า "ราคุโกะ" ที่มีลูกชายไม่อินเทรนด์เปิดร้านขายเสื้อผ้าอยู่ในซอกหลืบของฮาราจูกุ